Our 2023 Matric class received their results from our examination body - SACAI - earlier this week. We are immensely proud of their achievements, with one of our candidates, Tanya du Toit, being awarded the 1st place across all SACAI-accredited schools in South Africa. Tanya achieved 6 distinctions and will be spending 2024 completing a study course as a part of her gap year and will be exploring more of her interests and hobbies.

‘’I am pleasantly surprised with my grades, which have surpassed my expectations. I never envisioned becoming the top achiever for UCT Online High School or SACAI, so this leaves me slightly stunned. For the most part, I am filled with an overwhelming amount of gratitude. I am so thankful for the constant encouragement from my parents throughout the year, and from my chief invigilator during the exam season. I appreciate UCT Online High School for being so supportive, and for maintaining a level of interaction between the teachers and us students. Whenever I got a positive comment from a teacher or marker, it put a huge smile on my face, and motivated me to keep pushing. Thank you all for being the pillars of my achievement.’’- Tanya du Toit
In addition to this, two other UCT Online High School learners were placed in the top 12, achieving 10 distinctions between them. All three of our top achievers joined UCT Online High School in 2022 and their growth over these two years has not gone unnoticed. Leo Mischker will be pursuing further studies in Computer Sciences and Rochelle de Bruin will be pursuing further studies in the Medical Sciences. On her future aspirations Rochelle had the following to say, “I aspire to one day save lives through the trials, investigations and research I perform.”

A special mention must be given to their parents for the commitment and engagement that they provided in supporting the mission of the school.
“I am thrilled by Leo’s results; the UCT Online learning platform has really made a difference to his schooling since we joined in the beginning of 2022. The dedication of, and feedback from, the teachers has been really great, as well as the availability of learning resources. As an observer, I particularly like the intuitive structure of UCT Online High School’s platform, in that it puts emphasis on the learner to be conscientious about scheduling, tasks, progress and feedback more so than in a physical school, in my view. And I like that the platform mirrors the work environment very well, which is a good preparation in general. Because it is so efficient, it had also allowed Leo and I to travel overseas during a semester; without any additional effort, he was able to stay on top of his course work. As a paying parent, this has been great value for money. “- Claus Mischker
At UCT Online High School we value inclusion and diversity, and therefore do not set academic barriers for enrolment at our school. We draw our learners from across all 9 Provinces in South Africa and work hard to make access to learning possible by keeping our school fees as low as we can. We commend our learners who have earned their National Senior Certificate (NSC) as a result of their hard work and dedication, because we know the significant challenges that many of them have had to overcome. UCT Online High School boasts a diverse selection of subjects for our learners to choose from. Our 2023 cohort sat for a combination of 23 different subjects. Included in the top 10 performing subjects are isiZulu, Setswana and Sepedi First Additional Language (FAL).
In 2023, we were proud to have over 900 learners registered to write their final NSC examinations.
The Class of 2023 celebrates;
- 261 Bachelor passes and
- 223 Diploma passes.
Of the learners who have received their full set of results, 70% passed, which is aligned with SACAI’s national average pass rate of 72%. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to work with SACAI and our families to resolve any queries that they may have related to their results.
Analysis of the initial data that we have received shows;
- that learners who were consistently engaged with their content on the Online Campus (an 80 - 90% access rate) had a 100% Bachelor's pass rate.
- Additionally, learners who consistently attended all of their academic live sessions had a 100% pass rate.
We are excited that our Grade 10s and Grade 11s exceeded our expectations, paving the way for strong Matric cohorts in 2024 and 2025.