Meet Kirsty Goodall
Kicking off our Learner Spotlight is Kirsty Goodall, a figure skating ballerina and grade 11 learner at UCT Online High School.
Kirsty is both a solo and synchronised figure skater, part of Team In-Sync, who represented South Africa at the Neuchatel Trophy in Switzerland in February 2022. This team is made up of 17 skaters between the ages of 12 – 21. This was the first time South Africa had a mixed-age synchro team competing internationally, and they did very well, placing fourth.
For their participation, the synchro skaters were awarded green blazers from the South African Figure Skating Association, which is something every athlete aspires to.
As a solo skater, Kirsty represented her province at the South African National Championships a number of times, earning her Central Gauteng colours.
Kirsty also does ballet, and although she only started a few years ago, to complement the skating, she has also done really well. At the moment she is preparing for her next intermediate Royal Academy of Dance exam.